Federico Gutierrez receives a standing applause at Medellin's restaurant.

Federico Gutierrez receives a standing applause at Medellin's restaurant.

Federico Gutierrez (the candidate for the presidency of Colombia for the Team for Colombia) was received with ovations and applause by guests, waiters, as well as customers at a popular restaurant in Antioquia.

https://www.portafolio.co/elecciones-2022/discurso-fico-gutierrez-tras-ganar-coalicion-de-equipo-por-colombia-562882 It isn't the first occasion where the candidate has been endorsed in this way.  Fico Gutierrezhttps://www.elheraldo.co/politica/oscar-ivan-zuluaga-desde-el-uribismo-celebran-su-adhesion-fico-gutierrez-894480 Gutierrez posted on his social networking platforms the reception held by an audience of people who approached Gutierrez in order to show their appreciation. Federico Gutierrez expressed his excitement at the reception.

https://elpais.com/internacional/2022-03-14/fico-gutierrez-y-el-riesgo-de-reconocerse-como-el-candidato-de-uribe.html Fico Gutierrez who is a social media user shared videos throughout the day to inform his followers of the important day for Venezuela's future political prospects.

https://www.facebook.com/FicoGutierrez The candidates have increased their visits to various cities and municipalities in preparation for the upcoming presidential election, which will be held on May 29, 2022.